The Meta is stored in the plugin's memory and will be reset on reload
The Data is stored in a SQLite database and will be kept until erased (check the /plugins/TabooLib/playerdata/folder)
After you defined the Meta/Data, you can call them with the following placeholders:
Bee:update: [-1,-1,-1,20]display:material:'<skull:b727d0ab03f5cd022f8705d3f7f133ca4920eae8e1e47b5074433a137e691e4e>'name:'&eBee ~'slots: - [9] - [18] - [28] - [29] - [30] - [31] - [32] - [33] - [34] - [35] - [26] - [16] - [15] - [14] - [13] - [12] - [11] - [10]actions:all:# Here, we set the meta angryBee to true - 'set-meta: angryBee true' - 'sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_HURT-1-2'# Then we refresh and remove it at the same time to make the icon change a bit random - 'rem-meta: angryBee &&& refresh &&& sound: ENTITY_SPIDER_STEP-1-2<Delay=80>' - 'refresh'icons:# We then check for the angreeBee meta, if it equals true, it will display this icon - condition:'equals.{meta:angryBee}.true'inherit:truedisplay:name:'&cBee &4~'material:'<skull:e6b74e052b74288799ba6d9f35c5d0221cf8b04331547ec2f68d73597ae2c9b>'actions:all:'sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_HURT-1-2'