
Material of the displayed item




    update: [-1, 5, 20, -1]
      material: '<skull:9842dc3b917b1a796c303e15105474a8e315de7982b6ca54feafb5a4d13d4e95>'
    update: [25, 5, -1, -1]
      # Dynamic material effect
      - 'Red Stained Glass Pane'
      - 'Orange Stained Glass Pane'
      name: ['&cC&7lose', '&cCl&7ose', '&cClo&7se', '&cClos&7e', '&cClose']

Basic Items

# Standart material name

# Ignore the case
material: 'Cyan Stained Glass Pane'

# (1.8-1.12) ID in numbers
material: 160

# (1.8-1.12) ID in numbers + Data value
material: '3:2'

Data value

# Same as stated above: '3:2'
# or also:
material: '3<data:2>'

CustomModelData value

# (1.14+) Write the specific model tag after the material 
material: 'coal<model-data:1>'

Player Heads

# You can use player names...
material: '<head:BlackSKY>'

# ...or also placeholders
material: '<head:%player_name%>'
  • TrMenu uses NMS to get the head of all online players + an asynchronous network to get those from other players

  • Does not impact the TPS

Skull from Texture

# Type Ⅰ
material: '<skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDRmNDUyZDk5OGVhYmFjNDY0MmM2YjBmZTVhOGY0ZTJlNjczZWRjYWUyYTZkZmQ5ZTZhMmU4NmU3ODZlZGFjMCJ9fX0=>'

# Type Ⅱ
material: '<skull:44f452d998eabac4642c6b0fe5a8f4e2e673edcae2a6dfd9e6a2e86e786edac0>'

Leather Armor with RGB colors

# Add the rgb next to the armor material 
material: 'leather chestplate<dye:255,255,0>'

Custom Banners Patterns

material: 'white banner<banner:RED MOJANG,WHITE>'

JSON Items

material: '{"type":"DIAMOND_SWORD","data":0,"amount":1,"meta":{"Damage":{"type":"INT","data":0}}}'
  • Use the /trmenu item toJson command to get the JSON format of the item you are holding

  • Supports all materials

Item Repository

material: '<repo:My_Custom_Item>'
  • Use the /trmenu itemRepo command to manage your Item Repository

HeadDatabase heads

# Head ID
material: '<head-database:100>'

# Random head
material: '<head-database:random>'

SkinsRestorer heads

material: '<skins-restorer:JYBH>'
  • For cracked servers with the SkinRestorer plugin installed, you can use this material type to get the head of your players through SR

  • Supports placeholders

Oraxen items

material: '<oraxen:Id>'

Last updated

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