Actions executed before that the player inputs a message
Actions executed when the input is given and when the requirements are met (if defined)
Actions executed when the requirements are not met
Once the player inputs a message, if the conditions are met, the Valid actions will be executed, else, the Invalid ones will
Example of the New Advanced version
- catcher:target:type:CHATbefore:'tell: Enter a player name'cancel:'tell: Cancelled...'reactions: - condition:'bukkitServer.getOfflinePlayer("${input_target}").hasPlayedBefore() || isOnline.${input_target}'execute:'tell: Player selected. ${input_target}'deny: - 'tell: ${input_target} has never played on this server before!' - 'return'amount:type:CHATbefore:'tell: Provide an amount to pay'cancel:'tell: Cancelled'reactions: - condition:'isNumber.${input_amount}'execute: - 'tell: Amount selected. $${input_amount}' - 'command: pay ${input_target} ${input_amount}'deny: - 'tell: You didn''t provide a valid number!' - 'retype'
The returnaction will stop the following input catchers and actions
The retypeaction will re-execute the input catcher
Types of Input Catcher
Gets the input of the player from the chat
Makes a sign pop-up and gets the input of the player
Makes an anvil pop-up and gets the input of the player